NOTE: We are currently between exhibits and will re-open Art-A-Whirl weekend.




Rudy Fig

Rudy Fig is an oil painter, sculptor and Blythe art enthusiast. With toy designers for parents, Rudy grew up in a creative environment and excelled in the arts from a young age. She started professionally showing her saccharine paintings while still in high school and quickly began exhibiting her work across the US. Her lush oil paintings and other artwork feature a cosmic world of candy coated sanctuaries, magical garden tea parties, glittering galaxies, and psychological purging. Her work borrows heavily from historical fashion motifs and art movements. She is also inspired by nature, the milky way and technicolor baked goods.

Most of Rudy's works feature her signature, ultra feminine characters that are painted through a whimsical, and macabre lens of saturated pastels. As a traditional artist, Rudy works in oil paints, ceramics, illustration and sculpture. She also occasionally customizes Blythe and other types of dolls and toys. You can find Rudy's work alongside many established artists of the contemporary and lowbrow movement in galleries across the US and beyond as well as in the private collections of her loyal patrons around the globe.

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